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  • 解剖学上将胆囊管、肝总管及肝脏下缘三者构成的三角形区域称为胆囊三角(又叫Calot三角)。该三角内常有发自肝右动脉的胆囊动脉经过,并常见胆囊颈部的淋巴结。胆囊三角是临床解剖上的主要标志,在行胆囊切除时要在该三角内寻找胆囊动脉并加以结扎切断,要辨认清楚而不可伤及较粗的肝右动脉,以免发生出血或结扎而引起右半肝缺血。胆囊动脉常发生变异,应特别予以注意。该三角区域是外科手术极易发生误伤的部位。
    Cystohepatic triangle. Another name used to refer to this region is Calot's Triangle. It is named for Jean-François Calot. Of note, Calot's original description of the triangle in 1891 included the cystic duct, the common hepatic duct, and the cystic artery (not the inferior border of the liver as is commonly believed). The cystohepatic triangle is the area bound by the cystic duct, common hepatic duct, and the liver margin.

以上来源于: 百度百科


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